What a laugh! This website obviously has illiterate individuals who view the blogs to determine if they are eligible or not.
After submitting my site, this is the email I received from them:
BlogExplosion is not currently accepting blogs/sites about how to make money online. We are planning on reviewing our guidelines based on member feedback so it is possible that our policies may change.
Site reviewed:
Reviews and Articles
Ha Ha. No where on this blog have I listed an Affiliate Program, nor have I listed any Money Making Sites or Programs.
I did do a REVIEW on SFI - The post below this one - But as you can clearly see, I do not recommend it to anyone. (Read the post…. Really)
So why would a website representative read one title of one post and assume that you are doing something else other than what you are really doing?
I am trying to help others with my Reviews on Products, Services and Websites. And hopefully spread the word about the good things out there, and warn people about the “not so great” things out there.
It is sites that this (BlogExplosion) that disgusts me.
So if you are looking for Blog Directories or a place to submit your site, beware of this one! Your site will only be partially reviewed.
Update August 5, 2009: I contacted them via their website and received a reply within 2 days. A different reviewer visited my blog, and actually took the time to browse through.
So I guess like many (or most) other sites online, there's atleast one rotten apple.
LOL. I have run across some of these sites.. Thanks for the heads up on this one.
If you going to run a website, you really need to pay close attention to what is REALLY going on and what is NOT!!! It's yoyo's like this that give internet a bad name..
I find this information very useful and it has considerably saved my time.thanks
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