Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Extra Steps For Protecting Your Oral Health From Gum Disease

Oral health problems affect a large portion of society with an estimated three quarters of adults developing some form of gum disease. However, if you understand a little about your oral health and how to protect it from infection and decay, then you can easily enjoy a high level of dental health throughout your adult life. Gum disease is a condition that is caused by a build-up of bacteria, plaque and tartar in the mouth that irritates the gums and cause infection of the gum tissue. There are a number of things that you can do to  prevent gum disease  from occurring at all or, if you have already developed some level of gum disease, reverse it and restore your oral health more quickly.

Follow an oral health routine

It is essential to protect your oral health that you are following a daily dental hygiene routine. This should include brushing your teeth with a soft-bristled brush at least twice a day, flossing and using a mouthwash. Each of these three steps is vital for removing plaque and bacteria from your mouth, both of which accumulate daily and for preventing the formation of tartar.

Ingestion of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is very good at reducing inflamed tissue, which commonly occurs when you develop gum disease. It can relieve a lot of the pain and discomfort that people experience with this condition and can reduce the irritation that is being experienced. You get most of your vitamin D intake from sunlight, but can also get it from sources such as cod liver oil and eggs.

Increase intake of Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps to restore your gum health in two main ways – through helping gum tissue to regenerate and through fighting off bacteria. Vitamin C has strong anti-oxidant properties and it is also an important part of encouraging immune system function. You need to consume foods that contain this nutrient every day as your body is unable to keep it stored away. Citrus fruits, broccoli and mango are high in vitamin C or you can take it as part of a multivitamin supplement.

Stress reduction

Stress is a major problem for your overall health with it being identified as one of the main causes of illness in the body. Reducing stress is necessary for gum disease prevention since it is proven that stress contributes to gingivitis and periodontal gum disease by affecting your immune system function.

Select oral products carefully

An electric toothbrush with an oscillating head is very useful for removing as much bacteria and plaque as possible each time that you brush. If you cannot purchase a toothbrush like this, then you should use a soft-bristled brush as medium and hard bristles can harm sensitive gum tissue. Try to choose dental products that do not contain fluoride, alcohol or sodium lauryl sulphate as these can potentially harm sensitive gum tissue too. OraMD Solution is a wonderful natural choice to be used as a toothpaste, breath freshener and mouthwash.

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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Mental Health: Helping Others

It's a sad situation when an individual cannot control his or her anger or emotions, thus leading to violence and even death.

It leads everyone to believe that the individual was never disciplined for bad or inappropriate behavior as a child/teen.

As someone else stated in another article: "Sometimes parents would rather be 'friends' with their children, instead of being their authority figure."

Parents need to realize that by choosing friendship over authority, they are causing future problems.

Why do so many people not want to seek help for themselves or their loved one? Some people use the excuse: they cannot afford mental health. However, most cities/states have programs for people in the lower income bracket. So that is not a legitimate excuse. (There are also state-funded facilities. All it takes is a few calls to get you on track to someone who will help)

But finances aren't always the case. Some people have the funds but refuse to seek help for their family, or "assume" things will get better eventually.

Each town should start holding regular meetings to inform everyone of the warning signs to watch for in family members, friends, and neighbors.

And it should not have to be only a spouse or parent's responsibility to get their loved one help.

The saying "it takes a community to raise a child" can be applied here. Each community should look out for one another; report to the proper authorities the individuals whom they suspect are in need of evaluating.

The proper authorities -Department of Human Services- should take it from there.

It would seem, if several witnesses (neighbors, friends, family) report one individual numerous times, that individual should have no choice but to undergo evaluation.

It will not be mean or cruel to report these individuals to authorities. It will actually be showing an act of love for humanity by assisting that person with receiving the mental help they need, and potentially saving the lives of others.

Our Country does an amazing job at pulling together during tragedies (9-11, etc), Holidays (Christmas), WHY can't we pull together ALL THE TIME?

Monday, August 10, 2009

Simple Home Remedy

One very simple Home Remedy that can cure many things, including but not limited to: Arthritis, Indigestion, High Cholesterol, Allergies (and much more)

2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with 1 tablespoon of (local) Honey.

This is not just an old wives tale, it is the truth. I have used it myself and I’ve known many others that have used it. Most people feel relief of their symptoms within a couple of days.

It is quite strong and doesn’t taste so great, but there are ways to get around that. You can mix it with water, sweet tea, or another beverage of your choice. Just try experimenting and mixing it with other drinks until you find it tolerable to drink.

For people who hate to medications, this Home Remedy is the perfect answer.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Tips To Lower Your Cholesterol Quickly

After being told that my bad Cholesterol was very high, (and put on Liptor, wow, this medicine is expensive!!) I was determined to assist my Cholesterol come down as quickly as possible.

I received a Diet Sheet from my Doctors office and did a lot of research on my own, and I managed to bring my Cholesterol (Triglycerides) down nearly 50% in 7 weeks, and my LDL down about 40%

Keep in mind, Fat grams is what causes your LDL to go and/or stay up - so this Diet is a

Low Cholesterol and Low Fat Diet

Absolutely No Fried Foods

Absolutely No Chocolate or Pastries

Absolutely No White Bread (Wheat is best)

Absolutely No Regular Ground Hamburger Meat

Absolutely No Vegetable Oil or Shortening. (Safe: Olive Oil, Canola Oil, Low Fat Margarine)

No canned meats (There is a Turkey Chili that is ok)

No Egg Yolks

No Poultry Skin

No Whole Milk (use Fat free milk for cooking; Macaroni & Cheese, Corned Bread, Fat Free Pudding)

No Bologna

No Frankfurters (However, a couple of times a month, I have tried the turkey frankfurters, (aka weenies) with the Turkey Chili)

Any sandwich meat must be at minimum 95% fat free

Other Tips:

Trim all fat from meats

All fruits and vegetables are good to eat.

Although there is some argument over Soda Pop, it is actually best if you can cut down on them.

Stay away from Fast Food Restaurants! (Subway is ok, lots of low fat subs to choose from. And no, I’m not advertising for them. lol)

Daily Nutritional Values

You DO have to read the Nutritional Value on anything and everything that you eat. You want to keep your Saturated Fat below 10 grams a day and your Cholesterol below 100 mg a day if you want to drop your Cholesterol Level QUICKLY.

If your Cholesterol is not that high, or you are in no hurry to drop your bad Cholesterol Levels, then follow the Nutritional Value Chart listed on most food items. (Which usually states: Saturated Fat 20-25 grams a day and Cholesterol 300 mg a day)