Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I had seen the commercial for the Ped Egg advertised for many months last year, and usually several times a day.

Although it had a cheap price, I am just not the kind of person that buys for myself (usually). So, I told my husband that if he wanted, he could get me one for Christmas.

Christmas night was the first time that I used my gift, my new Ped Egg. So, this is my personal feelings on this product: If you have a cheese grater and a piece of sand paper, you can do for yourself what this product does for you.

The scrubbing, cheese like grater, digs holes into your skin. The foot file (similar to a thick emery board, which I compare to sand paper) will help makes those holes (chunks of missing skin that looks as if you had skidded barefoot on millions of pieces of glass) be virtually invisible.

So, save your $10-$12 and use your own items that you have at home to do this job!

1 comment: said...

I am a guy and I have a PedEgg. I think it's really neat. A cheaper alternative for your feet is a pumice stone, and I have that too. Now I feel more confident about wearing sandals and exposing my little piggies!